Understanding relationships to improve communication
As the workforce evolves, HR professionals need to sharpen their skills at providing feedback. What if you could considerably increase your ability to communicate critical feedback? Can you imagine the ways this might benefit you in your career, in your day-to-day dealings with people, and in your closest personal relationship? Wow!
Our characteristic styles or patterns of relating to others determine the ease with which we build relationships. As we work to professionally flex our style, we need an “II” - intentional and intelligent - method of providing feedback that really works! Take your coaching to the Impact level - Finally!
In this session you will have a hands-on opportunity to make a significant investment in YOU! Specifically, this program will center on developing your coaching skills to provide DIRECT Feedback. In 2018, we will sharpen our Coaching and Feedback muscles!
You can be a positive influence to those around you. You can create a working environment founded on the vision of an ideal, and you can create conditions which encourage others to rise above mediocrity and perform at their best. Our objectives in this program are to explore the foundation principles of excellence coaching and to put those principles into practice. It does not really matter whether you lead a staff of two or a nation of millions, the principles are the same – and they can be learned.
About the presenter:
Melissa Wood has over 24 years’ experience in operational excellence and leadership effectiveness, molding front line leaders and offering coaching to executives. Melissa is the owner of Priorities C2L consulting. She is a 2012 contributor in the nationally recognized Walk the Talk published book “Hey Leader, Wake Up and Hear the Feedback.” She holds two international and global certifications with the largest full-service training consulting firms in the world focused on sales, leadership and service solutions. She holds her Lean Six Sigma Certification because good leadership is driven with accountability. She is a recent annual "Integrity" award winner at Etech and is considered a dynamic international leadership expert, basing her instruction on logic and passion with the ability to provide coaching on the fundamentals of leadership success from both professional and biblical perspectives. Melissa has a passion for leaders of today and leaders of tomorrow. As such, she has been serving for almost a decade as a youth director where she inspires teenagers to simply not make an impression but an IMPACT.
This program is pending 1.00 recertification credit towards PHR, SPHR, and GPHR through HRCI and 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
The use of this seal is not an endorsement by HR Certification Institute of the quality or the program. It means that this program has met HR Certification Institute's criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.
All online reservations are due by NOON on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Attendees not registered online will be considered Walk-In registrations and will be charged the guest rate of $35.
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.