Strategic Planning & Budgeting Workshop
Want to learn about best practices in strategic planning and then take those tools back to your workplace? Want to earn 6.75 hours of Business Management (strategic!) recertification credits through HRCI and 6.75 hours of Professional Development Credit through SHRM?
Make plans to join us for this unique event! This program adopts a train-the-trainer approach as we use our own MCHRA chapter as a live case study and provide you with impactful tools and information that you can share with your company's leadership.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss how HR professionals can execute a strategic plan to match their business goals; and, how to align their budget planning with their strategic plan. This workshop will focus on the business model strategic planning process that uses information from the organization’s mission and goals (based on SWOT analysis) to determine the necessary strategies, objectives, action items, and specific responsibilities required to achieve the business goals, as well as a way to chart progress towards those goals. The workshop participants will complete the worksheets included in the training to develop a mission statement and strategic plan, and to review/revise their organization’s bylaws in accordance with the newly developed strategic goals. We will discuss the importance of having a committee responsible for ensuring that the organization stays within the plan and budget, or understands the value of making mid-course corrections. Participants will also learn various group facilitation techniques that they can utilize in the workplace.
Workshop Objectives:
Discuss the value of Strategic Planning
Walk through the Strategic Planning Life Cycle
Facilitate activities to write clear Mission and Vision Statements
Facilitate activities to identify Primary Objectives
Facilitate activities to develop SMART Goals
Facilitate activities to develop Action Plans
Discuss the fundamentals of Strategic Budgeting
Discuss execution of the Strategic Plan
Discuss evaluation of the Strategic Plan
Program includes continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks.
About the Presenter:

Sherry Johnson, SHRM-SCP, CAE is Field Services Director for SHRM, based in Round Rock, Texas – in the Austin area. She supports the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Sherry serves as SHRM’s staff liaison to the HR Certification Core Leadership Area; and, she is a member of the SHRM Speaker’s Bureau.
Sherry has worked in the HR profession for over 20+ years with industry experience in not-for-profit community organizations, public education, and entrepreneurial experience as owner of a small business. Prior to joining SHRM as a staff member, in 2009, she served as president for her local SHRM affiliated chapter and she held a seat on the Texas SHRM State Council.
Sherry is an active community volunteer. She has served on her local district school board of trustees; she participated on a legislative advocacy group, working with state legislators to address educational issues affecting public school districts in Texas; and, for several years she served as the volunteer coordinator for the regional Special Olympics track meet.
Sherry currently serves on the Advisory Boards for the Concordia University-Austin Human Resource Management Degree Program and the South University-Austin School of Business.
Sherry holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management; and, she is currently working on her MBA through Tarleton State University. She received her Senior Certified Professional in Human Resources (SHRM-SCP) designation from the Society for Human Resources; and, she earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential from the ASAE Certified Association Executive Commission. She is a graduate of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Leadership Program, earning Master Trustee designation.
This program has been preapproved for 6.75 Business Management (strategic) recertification credit hours through HRCI and 6.75 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.

All online reservations are due by NOON on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Attendees not registered online will be considered Walk-In registrations and will be charged a higher rate.
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.