Labor and Employment Law under the Trump Administration
President Trump’s first year in office has been a rollercoaster in many ways, including some significant changes to labor and employment law. This session will provide an overview and examination of some of the major changes, how they impact employers, and what to expect for the remainder of 2018 and beyond.
Topics to be addressed include:
· The changing makeup and agendas of the DOL, EEOC, and NLRB
· Prominent labor and employment cases from 2018
· Legislative activity
· Sexual harassment and the #MeToo movement
· Anticipated impact of Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
About the speaker:

Michael T. Mortensen is an attorney in the Dallas, Texas, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. He focuses his practice on traditional labor relations, workplace training, and preventive employment law advice and counseling.
His extensive labor relations experience includes collective bargaining, labor contract administration, grievances and arbitration hearings, NLRB proceedings, litigation, work stoppages, acquisitions and divestitures, and multiemployer benefit plans. He also serves as a trusted partner and advisor in all aspects of employment law, including administrative agency investigations and proceedings, discipline and discharge, complex investigations, workplace compliance, leave and accommodation administration, and HR policy management.
Mr. Mortensen spent several years directly interacting with employees on behalf of management during union organizing drives in a wide variety of industries and locations across the country. He devotes a significant amount of time advising employers faced with union organizing, corporate campaigns, large-scale protests and demonstrations, and representation elections, as well as assisting with the development of comprehensive programs to promote positive employee relations and effective leadership.
In addition to his career with Jackson Lewis P.C., Mr. Mortensen served as in-house labor and employment counsel and director of labor relations for large national corporations in the retail (general merchandise and grocery), distribution, and healthcare industries.
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