Transformational Leadership:
Discovering fresh ideas and new techniques to influence and inspire others
What makes a great leader?
Think of the leaders you admire — both men and women. Great leaders are able to see all sides of an issue, stay calm in the midst of chaos, and easily defuse conflicts. Adept at championing their causes, they are charismatic public speakers, persuasive communicators, and empathetic listeners. To top it off, they develop strong organizational and delegation skills.
Great leaders bring out the best in others because they know how to build trust, encourage confidence, and command respect. Most important is the ability of great leaders to inspire others to want to follow their initiatives, adapt their ideas, and perform above and beyond their own capabilities on a regular basis. How can you become a more powerful, effective, and respected leader?
True leaders are able to accomplish their goals and make a difference in the world even as they stay true to their personal values, ethics, and beliefs. Join us for this empowering, exciting session… and come away with a renewed sense of optimism, a firmer commitment to yourself and your career, and the practical knowledge to make it all happen.
Session Overview
• Determining Your Leadership IQ — How Much Do You Really Know?
• Discovering Your Leadership Style — It's as Individual as You Are!
• Positioning Yourself as a Powerful, Effective Leader
• Strengthening Your Personal Leadership Style
• Developing the High-Impact Communication Skills Every Leader Must Have
• Leading Your Team Successfully
• Planning and Organizing — Essential Leadership Skills
It’s time for you to discover the simple yet profound changes you can make to:
1. Influence People
2. Come Across More Powerfully in Meetings and Presentations
3. Handle Difficult People and Difficult Situations
4. Stay Cool Even When You've Reached Your Boiling Point
Change happens TO you. Transformation happens WITHIN. It’s time to step into the unique, powerful transformational leader you are.
About the speaker:

Kelley Moore
The University of Illinois calls Kelley Moore a “powerful relationship strategist;” she calls herself a “Marine in Mom’s clothes.”
A United States Marine Corps veteran, Kelley is a professional Courage and Performance Coach. Jack Canfield (one of the creators of Chicken Soup for the Soul) deems her “America’s Courage Coach.” She provides people with the intel needed to recognize, understand, and appreciate human behaviors, communication styles, and emotions.
Her specialty is supporting emerging leaders as they acquire the knowledge, skills, and wisdom that enables them to be more productive, self-directed, and passionate in their personal and professional lives.
This program is pending 1.00 business credit towards PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through HRCI and 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
All online reservations are due by NOON on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Attendees not registered online will be considered Walk-In registrations and will be charged the guest rate of $35.
Cancellations & Payments:
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. Also, all payments must be made before or by the time of attendance. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.
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By attending an event affiliated with Mid-Cities HR Association (MCHRA), attendees consent and agree to being photographed and/or videoed. Attendees agree to allow MCHRA to use, publish, and distribute their names, pictures, images, and voices (herein the “Materials”) for illustration, training, and/or marketing of MCHRA, in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to MCHRA's website, Facebook and LinkedIn. Attendees waive any right to review or approve any use of the Materials, any written copy, or any finished product. Attendees will not receive any compensation or payment for MCHRA's use of the Materials and waive any rights, claims, or interest in the Materials.