Employee Retention: Keys to Winning this Battle
Join us as LaToya Whatley, Senior Director of Human Resources & Training at Which Wich Superior Sandwiches, will lead a session examining employee retention. This will include a deep dive into factors that contribute to employee retention and what organizations can do to prevent employees from leaving.
About the speakers:

LaToya Whatley is the Senior Director of Human Resources and Training for Which Wich Superior Sandwiches. With over 15 years of human resource and training experience LaToya specializes in talent management, staffing, employee benefits, training and development, and leadership coaching. Throughout her career she has been known to build and retain a high performing and motivated workforce. LaToya is passionate about helping businesses make the most of their resources and talent while helping individuals understand their strengths and how to use them. LaToya studied at the University of Texas at Arlington where she obtained her certification in human resource management.
This program is pending 1.00 general credit towards PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through HRCI and 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
All online reservations are due by NOON on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Guests not registered online will be considered Guest Walk-In registrations and will be charged a rate of $45. Member Walk-In registrations will be charged the regular guest rate of $35.
Cancellations & Payments:
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. Also, all payments must be made before or by the time of attendance. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.
Use of Materials
By attending an event affiliated with Mid-Cities HR Association (MCHRA), attendees consent and agree to being photographed and/or videoed. Attendees agree to allow MCHRA to use, publish, and distribute their names, pictures, images, and voices (herein the “Materials”) for illustration, training, and/or marketing of MCHRA, in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to MCHRA's website, Facebook and LinkedIn. Attendees waive any right to review or approve any use of the Materials, any written copy, or any finished product. Attendees will not receive any compensation or payment for MCHRA's use of the Materials and waive any rights, claims, or interest in the Materials.