Find Your Lane;
Change your GPS and Accelerate your Career!
Join us for this leadership strategy session about changing or updating your “Career GPS,” which stands for Grow, Plan, and Share for success. We are all moving in different lanes and we need to find the lane that works best for us. We need to think differently on how we approach leadership growth as individuals and with our team members to achieve our business and personal goals. Some of the strategies and keys to success include being growth oriented, planning and goal setting, networking with excellence, developing a strong personal brand, and the importance of servant leadership. When we grow in our leadership, everyone around us will grow too!
About the speaker:

Bruce W. Waller, CRP, PHR, SHRM-CP
VP, Armstrong Relocation and Companies
Bruce Waller is the Vice President of Corporate Relocation for Armstrong Relocation and Companies in Dallas, Texas. He graduated from University of Central Oklahoma with a degree in business management before relocating his family to Dallas, Texas to start a career relocating families. Early in his career, Bruce hired and managed staffing for his company, and today he helps companies relocate talent across the US and around the world. He is certified in relocation with a CRP, as well as HR with a PHR and SHRM-CP. In 2012, Bruce served as President for DallasHR, one of the largest SHRM chapters in the US. Today, Bruce serves on the Texas SHRM State Council as a Director for District 2 in Texas.
In 2017, Bruce published a book to inspire people to “Find Your Lane” using a “Career GPS” to navigate on the journey and have more joy in your career. In 2019, he then published his 2nd book to help people record their legacy called “Milemarkers: a 5 Year Journey!”
Something you might not know about Bruce… He has bowled 10 Perfect 300 games over his career… and he likes Peanut Butter and Diet Cokes!
Now buckle up everyone and get ready to Find Your Lane!
This program is pending 1.00 business credit towards PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through HRCI and 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. This program is valid for 1 PDC for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit".
All online reservations are due by NOON on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Guests not registered online will be considered Guest Walk-In registrations and will be charged a rate of $45. Member Walk-In registrations will be charged the regular guest rate of $35.
Cancellations & Payments:
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. Also, all payments must be made before or by the time of attendance. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.
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