Connected Leadership
To be a Connected Leader means you need to be comfortable in busting myths and moving out of the old command-and-control ways of leadership. In this talk, we will go through 7 mythunderstandings and discuss how to break those myths in a way that shifts leaders so they can build a truly empowered team that is ready and excited to show up at work every day.
About the speaker:

Renata Porter
Renata Porter is a Leadership Coach and Consultant. Through many years in a variety of leadership roles, she’s honed her practices of being a Connected Leader, leading to many successes. Renata’s approach is light and conversational. She delivers some heavy and challenging topics using humor and anecdotal personal stories (both successes and failures) that help personalize the experience.
This program is preapproved for 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM and 1.00 Business credit through HRCI.
“The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.”

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit".
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We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. Also, all payments must be made before or by the time of attendance. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.
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