(Link to be emailed the day before the meeting)
Mini Horses, and Dogs, and Peacocks, Oh My:
What Businesses Need to Know About Service and Support Animals
This month we will dive into the ADA and its reasonable accommodation requirements regarding service and emotional support animals. Attorney Hannah Parks will address the following:
- What defines service and emotional support animals
- Service and support animal fraud
- How to determine whether a patron can bring an animal into the business
- How to determine whether an employee can bring an animal to work
- What EEOC & DOJ provides as guidance on service and support animals
- How to manage animals in the workplace
About the speaker:

Hannah P. Parks
Hannah Parks is an associate with Kelly Hart, Attorneys at Law. Her practice focuses primarily on labor and employment-related legal matters. Ms. Parks advises and represents employers in matters involving a variety of federal and state laws including the Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII, American with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, state discrimination laws, and state wage and hour laws.
This program is preapproved for 1.00 Professional Development Credit towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM and pending 1.00 recertification credit through HRCI.

Mid-Cities HR Association is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.".
All online reservations are due by close of business on the Monday before the meeting. Online registration will be closed at that time.
Cancellations & Payments:
We regret that we must charge members and guests the cost of the event when cancellations are not received at least 48 hours prior to the event day. Also, all payments must be made before or by the time of attendance. By submitting your registration, you agree to these conditions. We appreciate your understanding and support.
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By attending an event affiliated with Mid-Cities HR Association (MCHRA), attendees consent and agree to being photographed and/or videoed. Attendees agree to allow MCHRA to use, publish, and distribute their names, pictures, images, and voices (herein the “Materials”) for illustration, training, and/or marketing of MCHRA, in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to MCHRA's website, Facebook and LinkedIn. Attendees waive any right to review or approve any use of the Materials, any written copy, or any finished product. Attendees will not receive any compensation or payment for MCHRA's use of the Materials and waive any rights, claims, or interest in the Materials.