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Human Resource Association

Choosing To Lead Into The Future

  • February 02, 2022
  • 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual meeting - Link will be emailed the day before the meeting
  • 50


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(Link to be emailed the day before the meeting)

Choosing To Lead Into The Future

There has never been a more important time to lead than today. Our world has changed, but the mission remains the same as we work toward moving leaders to inspire and change the workplace. This session will provide ideas to help you and your team grow in any role, energize you, connect you. and move you to inspire your team to see things from a different lens. We will talk about bringing ideas to the workplace, how to get unstuck, ideas to go from goals to growth, how to lead with gratitude and look at failure in a positive light. Lastly, we will talk about how to create a 5 star culture to help you build your own brick wall. It will be energizing and you will leave inspired to be better, and help your team be better and ultimately your organization better which will make a better world for us all! It’s a perfect way to begin the new season!

Learning Objectives:

  • 1.       Learn how to be strategic in any role
  • 2.       Develop a growth day mindset
  • 3.       Lead with gratitude
  • 4.       Creating a 5 Star Culture